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Welcome to Inglebrae Farms

Inglebrae Farm Management Pty Ltd is owned by Joe Snr & Pat Richardson, with their families.

Inglebrae is located on the western side of the Northern Tablelands just north west of Tenterfield and is run over an aggregation of 6 properties. The country mainly consists of granite soils and ranges from creek flats with small areas of irrigation for fodder production then flows back into undulating cleared country. Pastures are mainly native grasses and African love grass with clovers and medics introduced. The Tenterfield property is our breeder country which runs a self- replacing EU accredited breeding herd of 800 breeders with 180 replacement heifers being joined, of the breeders there are 150 stud cows. 

An additional property 90 klms south from the main operation, located near Deepwater/Emmaville in the Rangers Valley area, is an all improved pasture back-grounding property. All weaner steers are grown on to feedlot weights, and the surplus heifers are grown through to good joining weights and are sold ready to join.

The Richardson family have been running pure bred Angus cattle for over thirty years that started with the purchase of a line of breeders from the White family of the Bald Blair Angus stud, Guyra, and in the earlier days, purchasing their bulls from studs such as Booroomooka and Texas Angus. In recent years, purchases of bulls continue with sires from Booroomooka, Sara Park, Bald Blair Millah Murrah studs.

The stud was formed in 2010 with the purchase of females from Booroomooka and by up grading some of our high performance pure bred cows. This was done with a focus on being able to supply lines of bulls each year for our increasing commercial herd. From that focus we could then also make available for sale each year two-year-old bulls to other producers with genetics that we believe are required to run a successful operation. We are a JBAS 6 operation.

At Inglebrae we like to breed Angus stock that consistently build on the efficiency of our breeder herd, using genetics that aren’t necessarily extreme but always positive, however never compromising on structure.

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